Disco Inferno and Eric Bischoff on Cody Rhodes’ current run in the WWE: ‘I’ve never seen that happen before in the WWE system’

Former WCW wrestler Disco Inferno thinks that Cody Rhodes’ current run in the WWE is unlike anything he’s ever seen. Rhodes, who was last seen in the WWE as Stardust (a play on his older brother Dustin Rhodes’ Goldust gimmick), requested his release from the company on May 21, 2016. Six years later, Rhdoes returned to the WWE, revealed as the mystery opponent for Seth Rollins on night one of Wrestlemania 38 under the new moniker of the “The American Nightmare,” an inversion of his father Dusty Rhodes’ “American Dream” gimmick. Rhodes, who never ascended past the midcard during his first run with the WWE, now finds himself as the challenging Roman Reigns for the WWE and Universal titles at the grandest stage of them all this upcoming April at WrestleMania 39.

Disco Inferno expressed his surprise at Rhodes’ advancement in the company since he jumped ship, stating that such a move in the past would’ve results in a different outcome, as WWE “usually brought people back and kind of punished them.”

Speaking on the “Keepin’ it 100” podcast, Disco said, “This is weird to me and I’m not being critical of it. I’m just saying it’s strange that, you know. WWE let Cody go and like they never really did anything with him, you know, Stardust, you know, he never elevated past mid-card. So he goes to AEW and he made it, changes, you know, has a suit on cutting good promos, everything. I just find it very weird that he’s came back and they put him in this spot… Just the dynamics. I’ve never seen that happen before in the WWE system,” he said.

Cody Rhodes/WWE

Former WCW executive producer Eric Bischoff echoed Disco Inferno’s on the same episode of “Keepin’ it 100,” but explained why he didn’t find Cody’s current push strange.

“Why did they just keep him in that Stardust gimmick and not really do anything and let him go to AEW?… I don’t know what anybody’s perceptions of Cody were back then,” Bischoff said. “But for whatever reasons Cody shows up and I guarantee a lot of people stood up and went, ‘Well, I like what I see.’ Maybe they didn’t see it in Cody. Maybe only Cody saw it in himself or only believed in it himself. And sometimes it takes somebody to do something that you didn’t think they could do to make you go, okay, let’s go reset that button and let’s play again. And I think he deserves to be in that spot,” Bischoff said.

What do you think of Cody Rhodes’ current run in the WWE thus far? Do you think he’s worthy to be in such a position with the WWE after leaving them six years ago? Do you think Cody Rhodes can defeat Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 39? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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