“The Master Manipulator” and “Rated R Superstar” Edge recently sat down with Logan Paul on Paul’s “Impaulsive” podcast to talk about his illustrious, Hall of Fame WWE wrestling career recently. In particular, Edge talked about being approached to end the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania and how many years he thinks he has left before he’s finally ready to hang up the tights for good.
“I think his streak at that point was like 15-0,” Edge said when asked about being the one to end the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania 24. “It was kind of thrown by me like, ‘What do you think?’ I was like, ‘Absolutely not. Why would we do that? That makes zero sense to me. I’m already a made man. I’m in the main event of WrestleMania. What’s it going to do for me? Sure, it would do something I guess, but like, let’s save that. Let’s save that for somebody who can really use that boost.’ To me, as the years started going and going, I was like, ‘Reigns is that guy. Let’s save it for that’, but it wasn’t my call, obviously. But when it was brought to my attention or at least thrown by me as an option, I just thought no because it was just as important as the world championships at WrestleMania, so why take away one of our marquee attractions. Again, I was already made. If I’m in the main event at WrestleMania, I don’t need the streak. I don’t need to break that.”
Although Edge believed that Roman Reigns would have been the perfect candidate to break the Undertaker’s WrestleMania undefeated streak, it was Brock Lesnar who ended up being the one to do it at WrestleMania 30 in 2014. When asked if he thought that was an incorrect decision, Edge said, “Yes. The only reason I say that is because I don’t think Brock needed it. He was already a world beater. He was already UFC Heavyweight Champion. He was already all of these things, whereas Roman was just on the cusp, and if he were the first guy, oh man.”

At 49-years-old, Edge knows that staying at an elite level in the WWE probably isn’t in the cards for much longer. When asked how much longer he wants to stay wrestling, Edge replied:
“I don’t want to stick around to the point where it’s like, ‘Oh, there he is.’ Now when I come out, I feel the explosion and I feel like all of that to throw at them and that’s still there. I don’t know if that for me would ever go away. I feel like in this last run like the Rocky Balboa movie which I watched two nights before my comeback and I was in tears because Stallone’s monologues in it were all things that were going through my mind. I realized I gotta get this out of the basement because I didn’t have the chance to end it the way I wanted to. This time I’m gonna get to do that. Now I got two little girls that I got to spend the rest of my life taking care of. I got a little wish list of things that are still to do, but it’s not long, and neither is the time. I think at most, where I can still hang when I gotta get in with Austin Theory who is 25 and he wasn’t born when I had my first match for WWE.”
What do you think about the comments made by Edge on refusing to end the Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak and what he thinks about finally retiring from the business? Let us know in the comments.