The Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart match at WrestleMania X is one of the most clinical, highly-regarded matches in WrestleMania history, a definitive highlight in the years-long rivalry between Bret and his younger brother Owen, the latter of whom wanted to escape the shadow of his older brother and show the world that he was every bit as good as The Hitman.
In fact, according to Natalya Neidhart, Bret’s niece, the match is so exemplary that it’s one which could be used to sway new fans into pro wrestling. When asked the question, “For a new fan, is there a match or an era that you would introduce [them to WWE]?,” Natalya responded:
“I always say to people, ‘If you want to get into this and you want to learn what this is about, watch Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart at WrestleMania X [in] Madison Square Garden,'” Natalya said on the “Minnesota Sports with Mackey & Judd” show. “Owen was the little bratty brother and Bret was the big brother trying to, like, be noble and honorable — it was just an easy story to follow. But it was this beautiful, beautiful match, and you could understand the story because a match is a story and a story is a match. That match was magical.

“I’m so happy that they got to do that because it was really such a highlight in Owen’s professional career, where Owen got the chance to shine.”
Although in retrospect the significance of the Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart match at WrestleMania X can’t be overstated, according to Natalya the match between the two Hart brothers might not have taken place if not for the insistence of Bret.
“I remember Bret really fighting for Owen to have that match,” Natalya said. “A lot of people don’t know that, but Bret, behind the scenes, fought very hard for Owen to be a part of that storyline … I think something different was suggested, and Bret said, ‘No, I want it to be Owen.'”
What do you think of the comments made by Natalya on Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart at WrestleMania X? How would you rate the match between Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart at WrestleMania X? Is it one of your favorite WrestleMania and WWE matches of all time? Let us know in the comments.