It might seem unfathomable to all the Hulkamaniacs who grew up in the “Immortal” Hulk Hogan’s pro wrestling heyday, but the decades of taking bumps and dropping atomic leg drops, unfortunately, might have finally caught up with the Hulkster.
On the latest episode of “The Kurt Angle Show” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle talked about his involvement with the WWE Raw 30th Anniversary show, with one such encounter relating to Hulk Hogan and his physical health, which has been deteriorating in the recent years.
“I did speak to Hulk Hogan for a bit of time for about a half hour and I also spoke to Undertaker for about a half hour,” Angle said. “Those two guys are the two guys that I wanted to catch up with when I went there, so I was very happy to be able to do that.”
Angle went on to describe that Hogan had described his back pain to Angle in the past and now after another surgery on his back, Hulk Hogan ‘can’t feel his lower body and has to walk with a cane.’
“Hogan had his back surgery again. He had the nerves cut from his lower body,” Angle continued. “He can’t feel his lower body, so he has to use his cane to walk around. I thought he was using the cane because he has pain in his back. He doesn’t have any pain. He has nothing at all. He can’t feel anything. So now he can’t feel his legs, so he has to walk with a cane. That’s pretty serious, man. I mean, I really feel for Hogan. He put his heart and soul into the business and it ate him up.”

The 69-year-old Hogan has expressed in the recent years both his problems with mobility and being in a constant state of pain as a result of “seven unsuccessful back surgeries” back in 2019 in an interview with the LA Times.
Hogan also lamented the fact that the Atomic Leg Drop, although one of, if not the most iconic finishing maneuver in pro wrestling history, may have exacerbated his injuries more than anything else in his career.
“Everyone says they wouldn’t change anything about their life,” Hogan said in the interview. “If I could change anything, it would be my finisher. I would never use the leg drop. I’d use the sleeper. All the back surgeries I’ve had are because of that damn leg drop. I had scoliosis, brother. Dropping that leg for 35 years did me in. I said I had the largest arms in the word, and I should have used a sleeper hold or another finisher with my arms.”
Are you shocked that Hulk Hogan ‘can’t feel his lower body and has to walk with a cane’ after his latest back surgery? Let us know what you think in the comments.